How to practice Mindfulness with everyday objects

One of the things that I’m keen to get across is that Mindfulness isn’t just about sitting cross-legged in complete silence on a comfy cushion, incense burning, observing your thoughts etc. It is about being able to apply the principles of Mindfulness in the real world to improve your life and how you interact with ...

Do you find meditation difficult?

Do you find meditation difficult?
Do you struggle to meditate? Do you feel it is too daunting to just sit in silence? Is your mind too busy to meditate? Do you find that you just can’t stop thinking? Does your mind jump from topic to topic keeping you stressed or anxious? Have you tried meditation but find that when you ...

How can Mindful Motion help me to achieve inner calm?

Mindful Motion comprises physical exercises that help you to develop your mindfulness. By focusing your attention on the movements, thoughts that normally run through your head and cause stress or anxiety are ignored. Regularly practising Mindful Motion will improve your ability to concentrate on one thing for as long as you want to. When you ...

How does mindfulness work in Mindful Motion?

On the face of it, Mindful Motion looks like gentle exercise, so it can be confusing to the casual observer as to how Mindful Motion is in anyway related to mindfulness meditation. After all, Mindful Motion is described as a combination of flowing tai chi and yoga moves which does sound more like an exercise ...

Why do I need mindfulness?

Do you worry, get angry or suffer from stress and anxiety? Worried about things all the time? Always hooting your car horn when people cut you up? Impatient or easily angered by others? Find it hard to focus at work? Easily distracted? Always worried what people think about you? Feeling stressed all the time? Constantly ...

How does Mindful Motion help with managing stress and anxiety

How does Mindful Motion help with managing stress and anxiety
Everyone has their own threshold above which we can no longer manage stress. Over time, factors such as family, social and work pressures push us closer to that boiling point. By regularly practising Mindful Motion, you can reduce the effect such aforementioned pressures have on you and so you’re moved further from that threshold or boiling point, ...

Mindfulness and meditation app reviews

Mindfulness and meditation app reviews
Smartphones aren’t always a big timewaster where you end up in pointless arguments on Facebook or Twitter. Sometimes they can be put to good use and help you to achieve inner calm. Here are some apps that I’ve tried out. Calm – Meditate, Sleep, Relax This app has both guided meditations and various sound effects ...

I find it difficult to learn movements – will I still benefit from Mindful Motion?

In short, absolutely! The key thing about Mindful Motion is the simplicity of a class or workshop. It is not about learning complicated moves, trying to commit everything to memory and studying the details of each technique (although for students who are interested, this is a possible avenue); instead it is about just copying the ...

Why tai chi is a great, practical mindfulness tool

Why tai chi is a great, practical mindfulness tool
Mindfulness is becoming very popular now, the art of being in the moment. One of the problems with mindfulness is that many people find it difficult to just sit still with their eyes closed and concentrate on themselves. One way of getting round this and still applying mindfulness techniques is by learning tai chi. The simple ...

The gentle art of weight loss

The gentle art of weight loss
Whenever people want to lose weight, they immediately think about doing some very intense exercise such as running, cycling or aerobics. However, just thinking about leaping around the room or pounding the pavement mile upon mile is enough to make you tired! And while these are very efficient ways of burning fat and something fitness ...