A simple, effective fat-burning exercise routine for beginners

Introduction The following routine incorporates High Intensity Interval Training which is the best way I have found of smashing through plateaus when losing weight. It also saves time – it is said that 15 minutes of HIIT is equivalent to a 45 minute run! What is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)? The principle idea of ...

10 top tips to help you to lose weight (2/2)

[ Part 1 ] 6. Long term targets: go for longer term targets as they are easier to achieve. Don’t try to lose 10lbs a week as in the first week you’ll be full of enthusiasm but by the third week you’ll probably go back to your old habits and put the weight back on ...

10 top tips to help you to lose weight (1/2)

10 top tips to help you to lose weight (1/2)
In my life, I meet so many people who are trying to lose weight and often struggle to do so and keep it off. I am passionate about keeping fit and maintaining a healthy weight – and helping others to do so and have found that simple lifestyle changes make weight loss very achievable. Below, ...