Boredom is great

Boredom is great
Are you always on the go? Do you feel the need to be productive or to be doing something… anything? Are you trying to find the bottom of Facebook and Instagram? Do you whip out your phone when you’re on a train or bus? Do you walk around with your phone in your hand? Well, ...

Why tai chi is a great, practical mindfulness tool

Why tai chi is a great, practical mindfulness tool
Mindfulness is becoming very popular now, the art of being in the moment. One of the problems with mindfulness is that many people find it difficult to just sit still with their eyes closed and concentrate on themselves. One way of getting round this and still applying mindfulness techniques is by learning tai chi. The simple ...

Why anyone can learn tai chi

Why anyone can learn tai chi
From a recent Lumosity newsletter: How the brain learns: 2 key research insights Can brain research help us become better learners? Here are 2 key research insights to keep in mind next time you learn something new. 1. Learning means new connections in the brain Your brain works like an electrical circuit. Every time you learn ...

Beginner’s guide to abdominal breathing

Beginner's guide to abdominal breathing
Abdominal breathing is a type of breathing whereby you breathe into the abdomen and appear to fill it with air. What actually happens is that instead of breathing so that your lungs force your shoulders upwards, you push your abdominal area outwards as your diaphragm moves downwards. To perform this type of breathing, you can ...

10 tips for chi kung and tai chi

10 tips for chi kung and tai chi
There are a lot of things to consider when practising tai chi and chi kung. The numerous rules added to the movements and breathing can be quite overwhelming. Here are my ten tips for beginners practising chi kung, tai chi and meditation in general: breathe through the nose – the tip of your tongue should ...

Can meditation really re-wire your brain?

Can meditation really re-wire your brain?
Yes, according to the latest scientific research! One of the many emails that drop randomly into my inbox mentioned a recent article by Dr. Marsha Lucas, an American psychologist and neuropsychologist describing how meditation can rewire the brain. The article is particularly concerned with how the brain handles relationships but reading between the lines (which ...

The gentle art of weight loss

The gentle art of weight loss
Whenever people want to lose weight, they immediately think about doing some very intense exercise such as running, cycling or aerobics. However, just thinking about leaping around the room or pounding the pavement mile upon mile is enough to make you tired! And while these are very efficient ways of burning fat and something fitness ...

Beating stress with chi kung

Beating stress with chi kung
Problems arise when we are constantly under pressure. Big problems! Our chi stays up, our adrenaline levels stay high, our bodies overwork themselves and exhaustion sets in. Our nervous systems become tired and worn down and cease to function properly. Our energy becomes depleted and our immune systems are no longer able to function as they should so we become prone to ...

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a japanese healing technique and comes from two Japanese words, “Rei” and “Ki”, which mean “Universal” and “Energy”. It is a hands-on modality which helps the body to heal and achieve a deep sense of peace. Reiki is said to flow through the healer and into the patient – the Reiki therapist is ...